
In-Person Attendees Click days below for schedule details

Please note Thursday Breakout Sessions are limited to the first 50 seats!


Day 1


12:00 - 4:00


& Welcome

NoMad Lobby


6:00 - 9:00

Remarkably Poolside: Welcome Reception

NoMad Pool


Day 2


7:00 - 7:30

Morning Stretching

With Orianna

Central Park Terrace

8:00 - 9:00


Presidio 2 & 3


9:00 - 10:30

Opening Keynote:

Remarkable Together

Presidio 4 & 5

10:30 - 11:00

Team Photo & Break

Central Park Terrace for photo

& Presidio 2 & 3 for break

11:00 - 11:45

Gracious Guide: Client Journey

Presidio 4 & 5

11:45 - 12:45

Lunch | Work Check In

Presidio 2 & 3

12:45 - 1:30

Grand Grower: Adswerve Ignite Session

Presidio 4 & 5

1:30 - 2:30

Gritty Groundbreaker: Department Breakouts

See back of your badge

2:30 - 4:30

Genuine Giver: Charity Bike Build

UPDATE: Richmond 1-3


4:30 - 6:00

Free Time Until Dinner


6:00 - 9:00

Night At The NoMad: Celebratory Dinner

NoMad Library


Day 3


7:00 - 7:30

Yoga With Renee

Central Park Terrace

8:00 - 9:00


Presidio 2 & 3


9:00 - 9:45

Breakout Session 1:

50 Seat Limit Per Session

Storytelling With Data Regents 1

Beating The Odds With Data Regents 2

The Power of Media & Analytics Greenwich

Adswerve Search Recess Presidio 4 & 5

9:45 - 10:15


Presidio 2 & 3

10:15 - 11:00

Breakout Session 2:

50 Seat Limit Per Session

Adswerve Lingo Bingo Regents 1

Beating The Odds With Data Regents 2

Building Your Brand at Adswerve Greenwich

Adswerve Search Recess Presidio 4 & 5

11:00 - 11:15


Presidio 2 &3

11:15 - 12:00

Breakout Session 3:

50 Seat Limit Per Session

Adswerve Lingo Bingo Regents 1

Storytelling With Data Regents 2

Building Your Brand at Adswerve Greenwich

The Power of Media & Analytics Presidio 4 & 5

12:00 - 1:30

Lunch | Work Check In

Presidio 2 & 3

1:30 - 4:00

Team Scavenger Hunt

Start in Presidio 4&5


6:30 - 11:00

Adswervian Rhapsody: End-Of-Summit Rock Party

On The Record

(Please wear your Summit badges so security knows you're with Adswerve)


Day 4



Breakfast (Optional)

Presidio 2 & 3


Free Time

Event Descriptions Click for event descriptions


Check-in and Welcome

Welcome to Vegas! We expect many of you will be arriving anytime throughout the afternoon. Please use this time to check in at the NoMad lobby and get ready for the events to come. Access your room, drop off your travel gear and settle in. Have you found some free time? Go explore! Connect with your team, introduce yourself to someone new, or use the #2022-Summit Slack Channel to find others who are interested in meeting up!

Remarkably Poolside: Welcome Reception

It's time to officially kick off our 2022 Adswerve Summit with a casual poolside backdrop that includes a DJ and dinner. You'll get to mix it up with fellow Adswervians and take part in a short mini-game to help you locate the group you'll be seated with for Wednesday's events.


Today’s theme incorporates each of the core values that make Team Adswerve remarkable together.

Morning Stretching with Orianna

Bring a towel and some comfy clothes for a refreshing start to the day.


First official breakfast of the Summit. Fuel your brain for the day ahead.

Opening Keynote: Remarkable Together

We start off our opening keynote by highlighting how we are Remarkable Together and revisiting the vision presented at our last Virtual Summit. Expect more details on how that vision has grown and what steps we are taking to make it a reality by 2025.

Team Photo | Break

Join us for our 2022 Adswerve Team photo. More details to come.

Gracious Guide: The Client Journey

Our next session of the day starts with a nod to the Gracious Guide and looks at the client journey from a variety of perspectives. We'll explore how we work together to take our clients on a wide range of journeys through changing landscapes and successful outcomes.

Lunch | Work Check In

Lunchtime. Eat up, regroup and attend to any potentially urgent business.

Grand Grower: Adswerve Ignite Sessions

After a quick recap activity linked to the Gritty Department Breakouts, you'll next dive into the depths of personal growth with our Adswerve Ignite Sessions. Here, you'll be learning more about your teammates with this diverse set of rapid-fire talks. They’re short and power-packed with big themes and big stories. Learn about what inspires your teammates, the challenges they’ve faced, hobbies, volunteer work, and family life stories that ignite growth.

Gritty: Department Breakouts

Let's explore more about our strategic vision and discuss how our individual teams are supporting the client journey. Get updates from department heads and join your own team for a strategic discussion on how we can strengthen the ways we work together.

Genuine Giver: Charity Bike Build

Throw on your sunscreen and come together as a team to build bikes that will be donated to grateful children in the Vegas community.

Free Time until Dinner

Catch up with your clients, your team, and any resort amenities that may be calling you.

Night at the Nomad: Celebratory Dinner

Join us at the Nomad Library for a celebratory dinner in honor of Team Adswerve and our successes! We will also be presenting the Q1 Pillar awards. This assigned seating event will include time to mingle and explore the two-story-tall main dining room which features a library of over 25,000 books. Tip: Be on the lookout for any books inscribed with names, dates, and notes as many of the books were acquired from notable collections including that of the late philanthropist David Rockefeller.


Yoga with Renee

Keep your week balanced with some early morning Yoga!


Just like the hobbits, it’s time for a second breakfast.

Breakout Sessions


Lunch | Work Check In

You know the drill. Eat, drink, and check in on those clients if you need to.

The Great Adswearch: Team Scavenger Hunt

It’s been a busy day of learning. Your heads are full, you haven’t seen daylight in who knows how long. Did you even get to sleep last night? Well lucky for you, it’s time for our fun team event that will have you out and about the Vegas strip on a great search to find some iconic items. Good luck! Rumor has it there are some good prizes to be had by our winners!

Adswervian Rhapsody: End-of-Summit Rock Party

Did someone say rock party?! The best way to close down the 2022 Summit is by rocking the house down. Wear your best leather, your ripped-denim, high heels or punk shoes, grow out that ZZ Top beard or pile that hair into a sky-high mohawk. Tonight is your night to celebrate and have fun. It’s time to rock and roll!



Settle that growling stomach for the long flight home.

Free Time

All great things must come to an end. Get back and do what you need to do, whether that’s travel, following up with any business, hitting the craps tables one last time, or lounging at the pool. Thanks and safe travels!

Breakout Sessions & Presenters Click for breakout details

Storytelling with Data

Have you ever walked away from a presentation feeling that the data was thrown at you with no clear answer in sight? Us too. Good visualizations should be carefully crafted to guide viewers to an intended message. This session looks at data visualization and breaks out its general foundations in a way to help you better communicate and tell the story of your data.


Jimmy Albert - Business Intelligence Analyst

Ryan Ptomey - Senior Digital Analyst

Beating the Odds with Data

It’s time for fun with Math (you read that right), Vegas style! We’ll dive into the probabilities of outcomes involved in the game of craps. Can we really “beat the odds”? Learn the basics of this popular dice game and pick up some useful tools when thinking about random events.


Tiffany Tasset - Chief of Corporate Operations

Daniel Correia - Senior Data Scientist

The Power of Media and Analytics

They are the PB&J of the marTech world and yet they are still often talked about in a silo. Media and Analytics continue to hold such a dynamic relationship in the privacy-centric world, it’s more important than ever to understand the value in bringing them together. This session dives into tips and tricks on how to start that conversation with your client and develop a natural curiosity for both Media and Analytics.


Dani Brandtjen - Senior Analytics Manager

Sonorah Hunter - Director of Media Enablement

Adswerve Search Recess*

Get ready for some fun and games in the name of Search. This session is going truly “old school” by taking you back to the recess yard for some games designed to illustrate Adswerve’s search partner/industry leadership. You'll dive into the greatness that is SA360, Unifire and Dragnfire. Expect to be moving, learning and laughing hysterically until the final whistle blows.

*Note: This presentation is meant to be interactive and may require physical play


Brent Ramos - Director of Product, Search

Jeff Stuart - Platform Engagement Manager

Adswerve Lingo Bingo

This one’s for the acronym aficionados. We're taking all the industry jargon and throwing it into an informative round of Adswerve Lingo Bingo! Join this session and B1 of the many Adswervians that could win an amazing prize for knowing key industry terms!


Lee Isensee - Director of Analytics, Enterprise

Scott Kelly - Account Executive, Agency Technical Lead

Building Your Brand at Adswerve

Have you ever thought about what YOUR brand is? And more importantly, is it sending the message you want? Most of us already have a brand built and may not even realize it. In this session, we’ll dive into a few key components that make up your brand and take on some exercises designed to help you be more intentional about how you show up at work and how you build your reputation and relationships.


Lindsay Todd - Head of Operations Design

Hannah DeAngelis - Marketing Director